Ride the Wave

Don't Get Wiped Out

Let us help you find and harness the energy of litigation and use it to your advantage.

Let us help you find and harness the energy of litigation and use it to your advantage.

Let us help you find and harness the energy of litigation and use it to your advantage.



We understand that our clients have taken the time, effort and expense of creating their valuable intellectual property and we are here to help protect their creative endeavor through litigation and/or through proceedings before the USPTO TTAB. When clients seek to register a trademark, we advise clients as to the likelihood of confusion, the likelihood of registration and the strength or weakness of any proposed trademark to ensure their understanding of the process. Occasionally, our clients ask us to help them broker or secure the rights to intellectual property and we advise clients concerning the proposed acquisition, which may include valuation assessments, due diligence, rights clearance or contractual negotiations.


WB Mills is Responsive to the needs of its clients. We spend time with our clients to cultivate a rapport that allows us to understand their business and their industry when weighing the potential risks or advantages that a proposed plan of action may present. We understand when time is of the essence and are poised to advise and take action when necessary.

Tomorrow’s Methodology

WB Mills appreciates the importance of remaining up to date on technology and methodology that may benefit our clients. As a small firm, we have the luxury of being able to quickly adapt to changing methodology that would allow us to provide the same results in a more efficient manner.

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